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Sleeping at Last - Christmas Collection 2010

Sleeping at Last has been releasing a free Christmas song every year for the last 8 years now, although I only found out about it this year; fortunately, they have been kind enough to package all of the songs together and release them on NoiseTrade.  I've been finding quite a bit of free Christmas music on NoiseTrade this year, and I've posted about a few of my favourite albums so far.  In case you've never used NoiseTrade before, though, the way it works is pretty simple: you provide your email address and postal code, and a link to download the music is sent to your email address.

Christmas Collection 2010 is a collection of Christmas songs done mostly in a very simple, beautiful, and relaxed style.  There's a great version of "Silver Bells", which is one of my all-time favourite Christmas songs.  "O Holy Night" features some great dynamics, with the music rising and falling several times throughout the song.  The entire album is a real joy to listen to, and Sleeping at Last will now be added to the list of artists whose Christmas releases I look forward to every year.  Happy listening!


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