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Julian Casablancas - "Christmas Treat" [12 Days of HMVDigital #7]

Today's free download from HMVDigital is Julian Casablancas' "Christmas Treat" (actually, I believe the song is called "I Wish it was Christmas Today", as that's what the cover art says, as well as what he sings in the chorus).  This one caught me totally off guard as it's an artist that I've never heard of before, but the song totally rocks!  It has a bit of a new wave or power pop feel to it and is unbelievably catchy.  I think this may be my favourite of all of the songs released by HMVDigital so far.

Further investigation (okay, I clicked on the artist's name on the download page) reveals that Casablancas is the lead singer/songwriter for The Strokes, a band that I am obviously not familiar with if I didn't even recognize his name.  If you're a fan of The Strokes, I'm sure you will love this song; even if you're not a fan of them, you may still love this song.  There's really only one way to find out, and (today, at least) it won't cost you a thing.  Happy listening!


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