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Eddy Christmas

So yes, I did miss a post yesterday.  Things just caught up with me and I ended up falling asleep much earlier than I usually do, leaving me with no chance of getting anything up.  It was a good run while it lasted, though - I believe I posted for 25 days straight, including a number of days when I managed to get a couple of posts up.  I'm still going to give it my best shot for the remaining days, though - there's too much good music left to quit now!

Some of my favourite Christmas music last year came from an artist known simply as Eddy, who released a couple of tracks each week leading up to Christmas; curiously, though, I don't think I managed to get a post up about her music.  Fortunately, she is doing the same thing again this year, and she has even been kind enough to rerelease two of last year's songs, presumably for those who didn't get them last year.  The rereleased songs are an incredibly groovy "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" and "We Three Kings", both of which are done acoustically as duets.

The first set of songs for 2010 includes "Carol of the Bells" and "Last Christmas".  "Carol of the Bells" has an acoustic base, but there are a lot of layered vocals and it is a much busier arrangement than last year's songs.  My favourite of the bunch is "Last Christmas", which has more of a rock sound than the others - I actually hear a bit of Paramore in there at times.  It's a great arrangement, and I'm really looking forward to hearing what else she has in store for us this year; the site artwork indicates that there are still two releases to come.  Happy listening!


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