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Some questions for anyone who sees this post

I use Google Analytics to track basic usage patterns for all of my websites and blogs, and one thing that I couldn't help but notice is that a lot of people seem to be finding their way to this blog lately.  Now, I don't think it's a secret that I am a huge fan of Christmas music, and I like to start listening to it as soon as I can, but that usually means after Halloween is over - I think September might be too early even for me!  However, I wouldn't be totally opposed to the idea of perhaps listening to a few albums and throwing some quick reviews on here in the meantime, if anyone would be interested.

To anyone who comes across this post before November, I'd like to ask a few quick questions; if you could respond in the comments (or via email), it would really be a big help to me.
  • What were you looking for when you came across this blog?
  • Did you find what you were looking for here?
  • Would you like to see some new content on this blog before November?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.  I'll be back to regular posting sometime in November, and possibly sooner if enough people are interested.