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Song Spotlight: Gary U.S. Bonds - "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"

[Note: as of October 5, 2009, this song is unavailable.]

This one will be short but sweet. I have a very fun song for you tonight from Gary U.S. Bonds called "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". This is not the standard song by that name that you have likely heard hundreds of times by now, but rather a very upbeat, lively, old fashioned rock and roll song, similar in feel to Chuck Berry's "Run Rudolph Run". The song is extremely catchy - I have found myself humming, whistling, and singing it very frequently since I first heard it last week - and it would make a great soundtrack for any Christmas party.

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas" can be downloaded for free from Gary's website. Go check it out, and happy listening!


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